Monday, March 20, 2017

How's that working out for Kat Sharkey?

Kat did her homework before she began playing high school hockey. She has been playing with Dita sticks ever since.

In her final video, Kat tells how she selected her first Dita stick and why she has stayed playing with Dita sticks. Kat has been a loyal Dita player since her first day of high school preseason. 

Watch all five of these one minute videos that Kat made with video artist Justin Bartels.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Kat Sharkey Without a Stick

Like anyone else, Kat Sharkey spends time without a stick in her hands. She is a real person with an actual life.  But put a stick in her hands and stand aside!

Dita USA is a proud sponsor of the GENIUS called Kat.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Kat Sharkey and Her Fresh Genius Stick

"As soon as I got a C100 stick in my hands, I was instantly impressed. It was very clear to me that this stick was made with the latest technology and would help make me a more dangerous striker. It is one of the lightest sticks that I've ever used in my career, but it still adds so much power to all of my shots. Because it is so light, I can get shots off so quickly, even when a defender is applying pressure. I believe that it's head shape has added new skill elements to my game. It helps me pull the ball much faster, but it still allows me to have complete control." Kat Sharkey