Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why I Like Original (Field) Hockey

At its core, field hockey  is really about the joy of being alive and sharing the
thrill of moving through space and time with others.
It is about the benefits of teamwork and friendship, without losing our individuality.

Much of what we humans do places us in an insular situation.  I, at this moment am sitting at my laptop.  Perhaps you were just texting a distant friend. We are individuals.  

Yet, we humans are a social species.  We form social groups and find strength in our associations.   Each person is as individual and unique as a snowflake.  Alone we are a flake; together we are a ski slope, a glacier, or a snowman. Together you and I make field hockey happen!

Field hockey is a physical activity played around the planet Earth.  It brings individuals together for the benefits of exercise, goodwill, camaraderie, competition, friendship, all in a mode of human teamwork. We need a society, a group of people with sticks in their hands, to play.  I like the word play.  We, humans, need to play to refresh ourselves, to remember that life is to be enjoyed.      

Field hockey, as a community, is like a small town.  It almost seems possible to know and appreciate everyone.  In reality, we might not know each other, but each unique individual who is part of field hockey makes a valuable contribution to our small town.   I love being a shopkeeper on the main street of Field Hockey, USA.

Happy Hockey, neighbor!

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